Peppy Panda Bear (“Bear”)

Consigner’s Description
Bear is a 15.1 hand 1100 pound Sorrel Gelding. Blaze Face with color around both eyes, 3 white socks. Bear is an exceptionally flashy horse with a beautiful desired flaxen mane that draws the eye. He’s pretty in motion and so well put together. From birth on, he learned to get his feet under him and travel out well. He went through the winter hanging out at the calving barn and being used to drag newborn calves in on a sled. He’s naturally picked up on everything he needs to know and has the desired qualities of an awesome ranch horse, plus the bloodlines for athleticism, endurance, speed and cow. He’s had a lot of miles put on his back on a cow/calf operation, and many hours of roping calves and then standing quietly while tagging as well as having an outstanding performance in the branding pen where he was used to head and heel calves. I have been riding Bear in a Hackamore as well as Bridle, he does well in either one. Moves off my leg nicely and travels out very well. He is for a medium and above rider in their skill. He is a very personable horse and easy to get along with. He does not do well if someone is a “ram em, jam em, hollar and yell” type rider. He does excellent with me, but I’m rather quite with the horses.
Consigned By:
Ann Little
Ely, NV